DiSC Assessment

Caz Blake-Symes

DISC Accredited
Everything DISC® is a suite of assessment profiles that help you to understand why you, and others, behave in the way that you do in the workplace. 

The four dimensions - Dominance, Influence, Steadiness and Conscientiousness - describe the 
typical behavioural tendencies of individuals. 

​Your personal report provides insights into your own style, the priorities that drive your behaviour and a practical set of tips to help you interact and communicate more effectively 
with others of every style. 

What is the purpose of a DiSC assessment? 

DiSC® is a personal assessment tool used to improve work productivity, teamwork, leadership, sales, and communication. DiSC measures your personality and behavioural style. It does not measure intelligence, aptitude, mental health or values. 
  • How long does a DiSC assessment take?

    The online assessment takes about 15 minutes to complete. Because the system applies adaptive testing, some people may end up answering more than the standard 79 questions, but on average, the test will still take about 15 minutes to complete.

  • What is DiSC?

    DISC is a self-assessment tool that helps you to understand why you, and others, behave in the way that you do in the workplace. The four dimensions - Dominance, Influence, Steadiness and Conscientiousness - describe the typical behavioural styles of individuals. 

    A range of highly personalised reports provide insights into our own style, the priorities that drive your behaviour and a practical set of tips to help you interact and communicate more effectively. 

    DiSC reports are used by individuals and teams throughout the world to help people develop their skills and capabilities. As well as the general Workplace report, tailored versions are available for those in leadership, management or sales roles. 

Key Principles of DiSC:

  • All styles are of equal value and everyone is a blend of all four styles 
  • Your work style is also influenced by other factors such as your life experience and education 
  • Understanding yourself better is the first step to being more effective when working with others 
  • Learning about other people's styles can help you understand their priorities and how they may differ from your own 
  • You can improve the quality of your workplace by using DiSC to build more effective relationships​ 

Why Use CBS Profiling?

Please visit our About Us Page for full details about CBS Profiling 
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